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how do i install or enable openssl in xampp?

i have spent too many hours on google and searched how to install or enable openssl in xampp but i can't get proper solution i install or enable need openssl in xampp because of i want to install PhreedomR35RC3 Open Source

PhreedomR35RC3 Showing Error While Installing It!

The following installation errors have been found.
Errors (in red) must be fixed before the installation 
script can proceed.Cautions (in yellow) will not prevent 
installation.But may prevent modules from operating properly.
Your server needs to have openssl installed.


1)在您的php.ini文件中,在extension = php_openssl.dll之前删除注释2)在您的PHP配置文件中,在extension = php_openssl.dll之前删除注释3)重新启动您的Apache服务器4)检查是否在PHAR下启用了openssl Xampp主页中的部分

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