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Select specific nodes in XML with LINQ

I'm writing a function that loads and XML document and converts it to a CSV. Since I need only some values from the XML file, the goal i'm trying to achieve is to select only the nodes I'm interested in.

Here's my code:

      XDocument csvDocument = XDocument.Load(tempOutput);

        StringBuilder csvBuilder = new StringBuilder(1000);

        foreach (XElement node in csvDocument.Descendants("Sample"))
            foreach (XElement innerNode in node.Elements())
                        csvBuilder.AppendFormat("{0},", innerNode.Value);

                    csvBuilder.Remove(csvBuilder.Length -1, 1);

                csvOut = csvBuilder.ToString();

But, in this way I'm selectin ALL the child nodes inside the "Sample" node.

In the XML, "Sample" tree is:

<Sample Type="Object" Class ="Sample">

Code works flawlessly, but I need only "ID" and "Selected" to be selected and their values written inside the CSV file.

Could anyone point me in the right direction, please?


Learn more about Linq-to-xml here . You're not really taking advantage of the 'linq-edness' of XObject s

var samples = csvDocument.Descendants("Sample")
                         .Select(el => new {
                             Id = el.Element("ID").Value,
                             Selected = el.Elemnt("Selected").Value

This creates for you an IEnumerable<T> where 'T' is an anonymous type with the properties Id and Selected . You can parse ( int.Parse or bool.Parse ) the Id and Selected values for type safety. But since you are simply writing to a StringBuilder object you may not care ...just an FYI.

The StringBuilder object can then be written as follows:

foreach (var sample in samples) {
    csvBuilder.AppendFormat(myFormattedString, sample.Id, sample.Selected);

The caveat to this is that your anonymous object and the for-each loop should be within the same scope. But there are ways around that if necessary.

As always, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Update ...in ref. to comment:

foreach (XElement node in csvDocument.Descendants("Sample"))
    foreach (XElement innerNode in node.Elements())
        //    this logic assumes different formatting for values
        //    otherwise, change if statement to || each comparison
        if(innerNode.Name == "ID") {
            // append/format stringBuilder

        if(innerNode.Name == "Selected") {
            // append/format stringBuilder

    csvBuilder.Remove(csvBuilder.Length -1, 1);


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