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Couldn't install RVM and Ruby on Mountain Lion

I tried all of the solution at StackOverflow and none of them worked for me. I tried with following command:

rvm get head; rvm install 1.9.3 --debug

and the output can be found here: http://pastie.org/7189647

Thanks in advance for the help.

Did you try the two commands separately? It appears the rvm get head portion of the command worked. Try running rvm install 1.9.3 or rvm install 1.9.3-p392 .

Finally I fixed the problem.

  1. Open the Xcode 4.6 or 4.6.1 and go to Preference -> Downloads and install 'Commandline tools".

  2. Open the terminal and type

    \\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails --autolibs=enabled

as instructed in the RVM site. It works like flawless.

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