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Restkit 0.10.0 & ios 6.1 - objectLoaderWithResourcePath:delegate method not making http call

My ios code (using Restkit 0.10.0) works perfectly well in iPhone 5.1 Simulator. However, the same code does not seem to work on iPhone 6.1 Simulator.

In the code below, [objectLoader send] gets called & I see that the call gets added to RKRequestQueue. However, no http call is made & the activity indicator keeps spinning endlessly.

-(void)myMethodCall:(NSString*)myparam1 password:(NSString*)myparam2{
RKObjectMapping* wsReturnMapping = ... //assume some complex mapping logic lives here

RKObjectLoader *objectLoader = [objectManager objectLoaderWithResourcePath:@"/somevalidurl" delegate:self]; //this line shows a deprecation warning
objectLoader.method = RKRequestMethodPOST;
objectLoader.objectMapping = wsReturnMapping;
objectLoader.params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:myparam1, @"myparam1", myparam2, @"myparam2", nil];
[objectLoader send];

I also tried these approches to make the http call (but none worked):

Alternate approach 1:

    [objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:@"/somevalidurl" usingBlock:^(RKObjectLoader *loader) {
    loader.delegate = self;
    loader.method = RKRequestMethodPOST;
    loader.objectMapping = wsReturnMapping;
    loader.params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:myparam1, @"myparam1", myparam2, @"myparam2", nil];

Alternate approach 2:

NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:myparam1, @"myparam1", myparam2, @"myparam2", nil];
NSString *resourcePath = [@"/somevalidurl" appendQueryParams:dict];
[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:resourcePath delegate:self];


1) Did anyone get Restkit 0.10.0 to work with iOS 6.x?

2) Any idea why [objectLoader send] is not making the http call? (works for iOS 5.x)

3) If upgrading Restkit is the only option, can I still leverage the objectMapping I have? In other words, I couldn't find an example in the more recent Restkit where objectMapping is used.

Any help appreciated.

Ok. The problem seems to happen whenever I switch between iphone 5.1 simulator to 6.1 simulator. I stuck to the original approach. The solution that worked for me is
1) uninstall the app from the simulator and

2) clean & rebuild the project.

Wonky - but works.

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