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data templates wp7/8

I am trying to create a list of items and the items consist of multiple lines of information - I was using a listbox and used the itemtemplate to add a button and set the contents of the button as the multiple lines of text using a data template but it did not work - only 2 lines showed.Now, I am doing the same thing except I am not using the button and I cannot get the lines of text to go on the next line...


(didn't format correctly here - but each on a new line) Direction\\n TimePoint\\n Adherence

Currently its doing: (no new lines) DirectionTimePointAdherence

Here is the xaml...the binding is done in the code behind

 <ListBox Name="listBox_1"  Background="Transparent" Margin="0,125,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top">
                                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Height="100">
                                    <TextBlock FontSize="28" Foreground="#FF348F8F" Text="{Binding Direction}" Height="40"/>
                                    <TextBlock FontSize="28" Foreground="White" Text="{Binding TimePoint}" Height="40"/>
                                    <Grid Background="#FFE3EFFF">
                                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                                        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Height="40" Margin="-2,0,0,0">
                                            <TextBlock FontSize="28" Foreground="White" Text="{Binding Adherence}" Height="40"/>

wrap your text. it might do the trick :

<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" />

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