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Rendering partial pages in asp.net MVC3

I just started working on ASP .NET MVC3 project. I want to render a partial view (*.cshtml file) within javascript/AJAX and put it in a division, Can anybody help me with sample code for that. Thanks in advance.

I tried this way, but not working.

var result = '<%= Html.RenderPartial("_Partialview"); %>';

Create a method that returns partial view in Controller class, than call that method with ajax get.

$.get('controller/getpartial', function(data) {




$('#trigger').click(function () {
  url: '@Url.Action("Method", "Controller")', 
  success: function(data){

So when you will click for example on a trigger button this ajax call will be executed and the partial view returned will be placed to your targetDIV.

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