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Cancelled a git-clone, where are the downloaded files?

I just cancelled a git-clone while it was receiving objects, using ^C on my Mac OSX 10.6.8. Git had already download 1.2GB, according to the "receiving objects" line. I'd like to remove these files, since that's a big chunk of memory, but I can't find them anywhere.

The folder I was cloning them to hadn't been created yet, and there is no obvious .git- xyz folder in the parent directory that could hold them.

Any thoughts? Or are they just in some OS-defined temporary folder and will get cleaned up automatically at some point?

as one of the commenters said, for a git clone git://foosite/fooproj, git will create a directory called fooproj/.git and download all the repo files into there.

the second stage of clone is a "checkout" of the origin/master branch usually, but since your ctrl-c was caught by the app, the directories were likely deleted, and no checkout was done.

ie if

$ ls -a fooproj

doesn't yield anything, then the files were already deleted.

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