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Trouble creating a new model object in Ruby on rails - params are a symbol?

I'm getting a weird error I don't understand. It seem that when I try to create a new model object, something about the params is being passed are being as symbol and I can't do anything with them.

The error I'm getting is:

can't convert Symbol into Integer

The controller action is:

def create
user_info = :params[:user]
if !user_info.value? ""
    if user_info[:password] == user_info[:password2] and user_info[:email] == user_info[:email2]
        @user = User.create!(user_info)
        @user = User.new(user_info)

        respond_to do |format|
            if @user.save
                format.html  { redirect_to(@user, :notice => 'User was successfully created.') }
                format.html  { render :action => "new" }
flash[:warning] = "Please try again"
redirect_to home_index_path


I'm trying to submit attributes with "", but I get this error. When I removed the indicated problem line user_info = :params[:user] and changed everything in terms of :params[:user] it still threw the error and indicated the next line as the problem.

Can anyone see why?


user_info = :params[:user] 


user_info = params[:user] 

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