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What's the safest way to create an 'always logged in' IOS app?

I'm writing code where the user signs up for an account with an e-mail+password. I would like to have login credentials stored in the IOS app, and then used for all remote actions the user makes (create order, update account info, etc.).

Is it safe to store the password in the IOS keychain using PDKeychainBindings and then send the user/pass over HTTPS for every request to the servers?

Is there a better/safer way?

There are two ways:

1)You can use KeyChain: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Security/Conceptual/keychainServConcepts/iPhoneTasks/iPhoneTasks.html


KeychainItemWrapper *keychainItem = [[KeychainItemWrapper alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"YourAppLogin" accessGroup:nil];
[keychainItem setObject:@"password you are saving" forKey:kSecValueData];
[keychainItem setObject:@"username you are saving" forKey:kSecAttrAccount];
NSString *password = [keychainItem objectForKey:kSecValueData];
NSString *username = [keychainItem objectForKey:kSecAttrAccount];
[keychainItem resetKeychainItem];

2)You can use NSUserDefaults

NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *pword = [prefs setObject:@"yourpassword" ForKey:@"password"];
NSString *username = [prefs setObject:@"username" ForKey:@"username"];
[prefs synchronize];
NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *pword = [prefs objectForKey:@"password"];
NSString *username = [prefs objectForKey:@"username"];

Method 1 is more secure than method 2. You can make method 2 more secure by encrypting your password and username.

Hope this helps..

The safest way is not saving the password. Usually, when first connecting, you exchange the username & password for a permanent authorization token.

You then save this token into the keychain and all other server requests are authorized only by the token. You ask the user to enter password again only if the token becomes invalid. (it's permanent, so it shouldn't expire but it can be invalidated by the server).

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