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backbone and codeigniter rest server issues

My frontend is backbone and frontend is codeigniter with Phil Sturgeon's REST Controller.

I have one model: Publisher and one collection: Publishers

App.Collections.Publishers = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: App.Models.Publisher,
    url: '/restpublisher'

my RestPublisher controller has:

 function index_post(){
    $this->response('in pulisher_post');


function index_delete(){
    $this->response('in pulisher_delete');


function index_put(){
    $this->response('in pulisher_put');

The problem is that on this.model.save(); the url that is fired is: http://pubhub.local/restpublisher/1111 where 1111 is the id.

problem is that i get 404. if i just simulate a put request to http://pubhub.local/restpublisher/ everything works fine and i guess i can get the params from request->put()

is there a way to solve this problem?

question 2: can someone please explain me why the name of the action should start with index? why can't i just write action: publishers_post that on save of the collection will get the data?

Thanks a Lot! Roy

I'll start with the second question: I guess it's just easier to parse, and it'll just be boilerplate anyway, so why not index_?

Now, to go on with the interesting part. If your work with models inside a collection, Backbone, as a default behavior, will use the collection's URL to build a default one for your model ( collection.url/model.id ). However, you can override this by setting a value for your model's URL: url: '/restpublisher' .


To give you the general idea of how it works, it's easier to quote Backbone's Model#url code:

url: function() {
  var base = _.result(this, 'urlRoot') || _.result(this.collection, 'url') || urlError();
  if (this.isNew()) return base;
  return base + (base.charAt(base.length - 1) === '/' ? '' : '/') + encodeURIComponent(this.id);

So basically, if you override the url attribute in your model, this function will be erased, and the behavior you don't want as well.

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