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How can I create an auto increment field on meteor?

I need an auto increment field, but not for the primary id, it's only to provide an easy to remember case number to the users of a customers support application.

I found this article that explain how to create an auto increment field on mongodb http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/ but this solutions are not supported on minimongo yet.

How can I implement this feature? I don't care if the solutions skip some consecutive case numbers due to errors, but the case number must be unique.

Is there another approach to generate unique and short case numbers? I don't want to give to the users a case code like this PxyooJWSKc3sMz6Lc, because they must refer to their issues with the case number.


Minimong doesn't support findAndModify, so I can't use the first solution listed on the link I posted. The second solution also require methods not available on minimongo.

Using the mongo-counter package , is posible to create an incrementer with the method incrementCounter(name) . The implementation is based on Create an Auto-Incrementing Sequence Field accessing directly the database without going through a Meteor Collection.

    'addRecord':function(doc) {
        doc.id = incrementCounter('docId');
        return doc.id;


There are new mongo counter packages on Atmosphere, probably better than my initial recommendation.

Well there are a couple of ways you can do this. If you need it to be absolutely consistent you could store the current integer in your collection & use a Meteor.call to add a new record as opposed to doing it from the client.


Server side js

    'addRecord':function(doc) {
        currentId = MyCollection.findOne({},{sort:{id:-1}}).id || 1;
        doc.id = currentId + 1;
        return doc.id;

Client side js

doc = {name:"Bob"}

//Use this instead
Meteor.call("addRecord", doc, function(err,result) {
    if(result) {
        console.log("Successfully added new record with auto_inc id " + result);

Doing it with the Meteor.call you would lose one thing though: latency compensation.

Other possibility

You could store something that is built from a Unix timestamp and shorten it to something more applicable (eg by cutting off the first few digits):

new Date().getTime().toString().substr(4)

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