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Excluding references from Typescript compilation?

I have a bit of a strange (but in my view sensible) scenario.

I have a web site, mobile application and maybe going forward a web server all written in Javascript. I have a huge chunk of functionality which is shared between all these systems. This shared stuff would be models, repositories, business logic etc etc.

If we exclude the web server bit as that is a future idea, the web application has a directory structure like this:

|- assets
|- models
|- services
|- migrations
|- view-models
|- views
|- descriptors

Now each of these applications is broken down into 2 areas, the core and ui sections, the core is the re-usable stuff such as models, services, migrations and the ui stuff is ONLY used for that application which would comprise of view-models, descriptors (Incase you are wondering views are all html and assets are css, images etc).

Before I was adopting typescript I had a build script which would basically combine all the core files together and minify them. Then it would combine all the UI ones together and minify them. That way in the mobile application I can then just use the my-app.core.min.js and everyone is happy, I am reusing all the re-usable components from the main web application. However I do not need the ui stuff as the mobile UI is completely different to the main web ui, and the web service would not even have a UI going forward.


With that context explained lets jump back to the Typescript problem at hand. Currently the typescript files are compiled by tsc.exe (version 0.83) via a build script, which just wraps the interaction.

So in the new Typescript world the structure now has a references folder like so:

|- assets
|- models
|- services
|- migrations
|- view-models
|- views
|- descriptors
|- references <- NEW ONE!

This references folder is automatically populated by the build script with all local references, so it will trawl through the whole directory tree find all typescript files and build a huge reference file, which is a file full of the reference declarations for local typescript file, to find out more about what im on about look over this question:

Can you create Typescript packages? like c# dlls

So now when I run the build script the following steps happen:

Compiling for Core

  1. Find all *.ts files within the models, services, migrations folders and subfolders
  2. Add all the previous files into an array and also add in the reference files
  3. run tsc.exe with a command like so tsc.exe --out <something>.core.js <previous_file_list>

Compiling for UI

  1. Find all *.ts files within the view-models, descriptors folders and subfolders
  2. Add all the previous files into an array and also add in the reference files
  3. run tsc.exe with a command like so tsc.exe --out <something>.ui.js <previous_file_list>

Now I was expecting this to output 2 files my-app.core.js which ONLY contained the core files, and a my-app.ui.js which ONLY contained the ui files. However they both include everything...

Now after thinking about this, it must be due to the references, as they are both referencing all files, however thats just a compilation dependency in my eyes, not something that needs to be compiled WITH the outputted javascript. In c#/java you would not expect a referenced dll/jar to be compiled into your outputted dll/jar, its just a runtime dependency which is required.

I have tried having 2 separate reference files, one for core and one for ui, but as the ui will depend on core I get same problem, although at least this way the my-app.core.js is devoid of any ui related guff.

So is there a way to have references but NOT have them be outputted into the generated javascript files?

You can accomplish this by generating definition files for your TypeScript files:

tsc --declaration FileName.ts

In your build script do this for each TypeScript file and use the generated FileName.d.ts as the reference instead of FileName.ts

I had the following files:


BusinessObjects.d.ts looks like this:

/// <reference path="Customer.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="Order.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="Product.d.ts" />

with Product, Customer, and Order each have a reference to BusinessObjects.d.ts

when I run:

tsc --out combine.js Customer.ts Order.ts

The output only references Customer and Order, Product is not included. When I referenced the *.ts files directly in my BusinessObjects.d.ts file however the combined output did include the unwanted file.

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