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Git setting up ssh key

I installed git on a machine using Windows Xp and I am trying to clone from a remote repository hosted on heroku. The problem is that when I first login on heroku the generate ssh key option does not appear. Using ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" I created a ssh key (or so does git bash say), however if I go to the folder, it only contains the known_hosts file. System and Hidden files are visible. Since the generate ssh option did not show up, I suppose there is already an existent ssh, however it doesn't fit- because I get a permission denied error when trying to clone the repo.
Any idea how should I solve this?

See what the name of your key is on Heroku with this command:

heroku keys

Remove it:

heroku keys:remove your_key

Generate a new SSH key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"

Add it to Heroku:

heroku keys:add

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