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how to do Auth in node.js client

I want to get use this rest api with authentication. I'm trying including header but not getting any response. it is throwing an output which it generally throw when there is no authentication. can anyone suggest me some solutions. below is my code

var http = require('http');

var optionsget = {
    host : 'localhost', // here only the domain name

    port : 1234,

            headers: {
     'Authorization': 'Basic ' + new Buffer('abc'+ ':' + '1234').toString('base64')
   } ,
    method : 'GET' // do GET


console.info('Options prepared:');
console.info('Do the GET call');

var reqGet = http.request(optionsget, function(res) {
    console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);

    res.on('data', function(d) {
        console.info('GET result:\n');
        console.info('\n\nCall completed');


reqGet.on('error', function(e) {

The request module will make your life easier. It now includes a Basic Auth as an option so you don't have build the Header yourself.

var request = require('request')
var username = 'fooUsername'
var password = 'fooPassword'
var options = {
  url: 'http://localhost:1234/api/res/xyz',
  auth: {
    user: username,
    password: password

request(options, function (err, res, body) {
  if (err) {
  console.dir('headers', res.headers)
  console.dir('status code', res.statusCode)

To install request execute npm install -S request

In your comment you ask, "Is there any way that the JSOn I'm getting in the command prompt will come in the UI either by javascript or by Jquery or by any means."

Hey, just return the body to your client:

exports.requestExample = function(req,res){
  request(options, function (err, resp, body) {
    if (err) {
    // parse method is optional
    return res.send(200, JSON.parse(body));

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