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return multiple different values based on 2 criteria in excel

Hope you can help. I have 2 excel sheets that look like this:


 ID       trnx       Module
 1        aj08       AA
 2        aj08       AA
 3        aj08       AA
 1        CJ20       ps opex
 1        CJ20       ps capex
 2        cn22       HR

 Sheet 2

 ID       trnx       Module
 1        aj08 
 2        aj08 
 1        ml81
 3        aj08
 2        cn22
 1        cj20
 1        cj20
 3        mm02

The formula im using is


I need "module" from sheet 2 to be populated based on matching ID and trnx, and if the ID matches but not the trnx, then it must that cell for module to "No Match".

The problem i am experiencing is that sheet 2 is populating the data incorrectly. For Example the second occurrence of ID "1" in sheet 2 is pulling out Module ps opex. it is suppose to be "No Match" since the trnx in sheet 2 is ml81.

please help!!! Thanks in advance:)

This won't address the part I asked in my comment where you have 'duplicate keys' but may help you anyway :

Since your key is really the combination of the Id and the trnx columns, I inserted a concatenated column (I used =CONCATENATE(trnx, "_", id) where those names refer to sheet locations, but you could just as readily concatenate in the other direction as well, or use some other delimiter. It's just to make a single key column (that we can sort on and search more easily.)

In sheet 2 I form the same key column from the values listed there, and then your module column becomes :

 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(I12,$C$10:$D$15,2,0)), "No Match", VLOOKUP(I12,$C$10:$D$15,2,0))

Where in that formula, I12 is the key cell we are looking up in sheet 2, and the absolute reference in the VLOOKUP is the data table in sheet 1.

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