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javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot find slider target component 'txt6; txt7' in view

I tried the following example from PrimeFaces <p:slider> showcase :

<h3>Range Slider</h3>  

<h:panelGrid columns="1" style="margin-bottom:10px">                      
    <h:outputText id="displayRange" value="Between #{sliderBean.number6} and #{sliderBean.number7}"/>                      
    <p:slider for="txt6,txt7" display="displayRange" style="width:400px" range="true"   
              displayTemplate="Between {min} and {max}"/> 
<h:inputHidden id="txt6" value="#{sliderBean.number6}" />  
<h:inputHidden id="txt7" value="#{sliderBean.number7}" />  

However, it throws the following exception during rendering:

Error Rendering View[/pages/slides.xhtml]: javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot find slider target component 'txt6; txt7' in view

How is this caused and how can I solve it?

It is Primefaces's slider bug in your Primefaces version, it was fixed in Primefaces version 3.5

You can see: List Primefaces's bug and Release notes

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