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Excel Not Responding During Macro

I have a macro that runs on a continous loop 24/7. The computer will occasionally freeze but there is no error in the excel code. The code uses the following in order to run efficiently:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'calculations, alerts, and screen are updated
GoTo startagain

I also am using what I believe is an efficient method of copying and pasting (a bulk of the code is pasting values and formulas):

Length = Range("C1").Value
Set rng = Sheets("Linked Data").Range("A2:AA" & Length)
Range("A2").Value = rng.Value

I have chagned the processor priority on the computer to "high" for EXCEL.exe, I have the computer performance set to maximum performance, I have disable all un-necessary add-ins, and I have turned off autorecover saving.

Despite all of the above, the computer will sometimes freeze and become unresponsive. Does anyone know anything that can be done to improve the reliability?

Avoid Goto and use Application.OnTime Method to run a procedure repeatively.

You can also think of creating a Automation-addin which may lead to performance imporvement as its compiled code.

Kindly refer this link

You may also refer this link for performance imporvement link

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