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PHP - Get URL paramters of parent window from iframe

So far, I can place the first URL parameter and its value into variables - from child (iframed) page.

Eg http://google.com/?x=123 I can get x=123

I have used this code for the page (child) that is iframed.

   //Getting the parent window parameters
    $getURLVar = str_replace("?","",strrchr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"?"));
    $getURLVar = str_replace("&","=",$getURLVar);
    $getURLVar = str_getcsv($getURLVar,"=");
    foreach ($getURLVar as $value)
        if ($i % 4)


   // $getURLVar =array_combine($value2,$value1);


list($v1, $v2) = $getURLVar;
 echo "$v1";

echo "$v2";


Question: What if I had more than 1 parameter? Eg http://google.com/&x=234&results=10

Please help me amend the above to support more than 1 parameter.

Thank you

Use http://www.php.net/manual/function.parse-str.php and http://www.php.net/manual/function.parse-url.php to parse the HTTP_REFERER.


$referer = 'http://www.google.de/?q=test&foo=bar&blub=bla';

$url = parse_url($referer);


    parse_str($url['query'], $query_params);

Maybe you should read something more about the basics...

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