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Rails precompile constant uninitialized

I wanted to preload the configuration (from ".yml" files). In one of my initializer files (config/initializers/facebook.rb) I have following line of code:

FACEBOOK_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/facebook.yml")[Rails.env]

So, it works like a charm in the "DEVELOPMENT" mode. Once I switch to the production mode, it keeps telling me, that FACEBOOK_CONFIG is an uninitialized constant for my " facebook.js.coffee.erb " file, located in assets/javascript (If it matters), if I want to o "rake assets:precompile". I've tried doing random stuff, like: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile or

rake assets:precompile:all

, but no luck

I have tried assigning " initialize_on_precompile = true " variable for my production environment (although, it should be true by default), just in case.

Why it doesn't work in production mode (But, I want to emphasise, that it does work(!) in the development environment).

Can someone help with that one ?

I encountered exactly the same problem. This is because your javascript(coffescript) file makes reference to a constant that is defined in an initializer. Because it is precompiled before the initializer the app throws an error.

This is the simple solution I found. You place this code at the bottom of your application.rb file in config:

module AssetsInitializers
  class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
    initializer "assets_initializers.initialize_rails",
                :group => :assets do |app|
      require "#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/facebook.rb" 

It manually loads up certain files from the initializer folder. It solved my problem.

Hopefully this was the issue for you as well.

module Rails

  class << self
    def facebook_config
      @@facebook_config ||= nil

    def facebook_config=(facebook_config)
      @@facebook_config = facebook_config

Rails.facebook_config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/facebook.yml")[Rails.env]

# And you can use it like this in anywhere:
puts Rails.facebook_config

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