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Keep anchor hover state on when child submenu is active or on hover

I have a menu inside a menu. The first menu anchor(class = menu-container) which contains the submenu has a hover state with styles attached to it. I want these styles of the parent anchor to remain active when the mouse is also over the submenu.

I cant use jQuery, as I am only restricted to pure javascript.

The code is as following:

         <a href="#">List Item</a>
         <a class="menu-container" href="#">List Item</a>
         <ul class="submenu">
              <li>list item</li>

NOTE: The client has requested the menu to be displayed and hidden using pure CSS. I know that using jQuery to achieve the solution for this would be easier, but I am restricted.


"Attach the menu-container class to the parent "li" item...

The ":hover" on the li won't work in IE6 and below but shall work in all modern browsers.

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