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Event handler cannot watch for elements injected into HTML after document loads

I'm writing an application in Javascript. Without going into too much detail, I have a game with a board (which is actually just an HTML table). The user interacts with the board by clicking on s, so I have a click event listener in my $(document).ready(). The event handler updates the board by changing the state of several variables/objects/etc and then calling layoutBoard, which reads the state of all those objects and populates the .

The problem I'm having is that the s in the new aren't being watched by my event handler, meaning click events are no longer detected. How can I direct the event handler to the new s or otherwise continue to detect clicks on the board? Here's my code:

        function() {

function movePiece(clickedCell){
    //do stuff

function layoutBoard(){
    //recreate board and new <td>s

use on event delegation


it is better if you delegate to the closest static parent container...


$("body").on("click", "td", function() {

Use this to bind your dynamic event handler

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