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Joomla - much code generated with php => blank page

I use Jumi to unsert custom php to joomla articled.

function generateTR($tr_nr) {
    for ($i=0; $i<$tr_nr; $i++) {
        $html.="<tr><td colspan='5'>$i - $m</td></tr>";
    return $html;

echo "<table><tbody>".generateTR(20000)."</tbody></table>";

If I run this code (generateTR(20000)) through jumi => I get blank page. And if I run it directly by accessing php file => it's displaying the table OK.

And if change number of rows to 2000 => generateTR(2000) => it will show OK the table inside the joomla article through jumi.

Why when I increase the amount of html code => joomla + jumi cannot handle it? Also I tried sourcerer instead of jumi => same problem.

Is there any solution?


EDIT: I tried to increase max_execution_time to 180 sec; and also memory_limit to 2000M

EDIT2: No errors in logs...


error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);

got some errors but not related to that problem... because when with few tr rows the errors are the same and the table is displayed OK.



The cause of the blank page is "System - SEF" plugin. Here is the bug - http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=24865

You will get blank page in Joomla 1.5.

In Joomla 2.5 you will get "500 - PHP regular expression limit reached (pcre.backtrack_limit)"

This is same bug.

2 solutions:

1) disable "System - SEF" plugin, if you don't need SEF

2) if you need SEF -





to index.php of your template.

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