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selecting language from drop down menu with jquery


I am jQuery beginner, I have just small problem here.. when I select language from the drop down menu the page refresh, but the drop down menu dose not show me which language I picked up..it's remain Choose Language - however the URL shows me which language I picked up, which is what I want, but not the drop down menu

for example if I choose from the drop down menu English

<script type="text/javascript">







    <form action="<?php htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="get">

    <select name="lang">

        <option value="">Choose Language</option>
        <option value="English">English</option>
        <option value="Arabic">Arabic</option>
        <option value="French">French</option>


I see the URL (Which what I want)

but the drop down menu remain on choose language - I just want to the drop down menu shows me the language as well.

If you want to remeber the last language seleted then you need to use a cookie. Use the jquery cookie plugin.

//checks if the cookie has been set

if($.cookie('remember_select') != null) {

    // set the option to selected that corresponds to what the cookie is set to

    $('.select_class option[value="' + $.cookie('remember_select') + '"]').attr('selected', 'selected');


// when a new option is selected this is triggered

$('.select_class').change(function() {

    // new cookie is set when the option is changed

    $.cookie('remember_select', $('.select_class option:selected').val(), { expires: 90, path: '/'});


Here is what your select would look like:

<select class="select_class">
    <option value="1">Row 1</option>
    <option value="2">Row 2</option>
    <option value="3">Row 3</option>

Try with:


and to this you can add:

<option selected disable value="">Choose Language</option>

to prevent errors in you PHP

$_SESSION['language'] = $_GET['lang'] and in your jQuery

var selected_lang = '<?php echo $_SESSION["language"]; ?>';

This needs a bit of php magic coupled with your HTML code:

PHP Code


    <form action="<?php htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="get">

    <select name="lang">

        <option value="">Choose Language</option>
        <?php foreach(array('English','Arabic','French') as $lang) ?>
        <option value="<?php echo $lang; ?>" <?php if ($_GET['lang']==$lang) echo "selected"; ?>><? echo $lang; ?></option>

Explanation: The php code checks for your url and selects the appropriate option from the select list.

Tip: If you wish to have a cleaner code, place all your language values in an array and loop through it to generate your dropdown menu.

Your js script must be:




        var lang=getURLParameter('lang');

function getURLParameter(name) {
    return decodeURI(
        (RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1]

Link for details of getURLParameter() function: Get URL parameter with jQuery

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