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r heatmap.2 colsep as vector

I want to draw a heatmap, using heatmap.2(), in which I want to define colseps in several different colors.
I have tried specifiyng sepcolor by concatenation:

heatmap.2 (as.matrix(order_by27_T[rowsToDraw,]), Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE,               dendrogram="none", col=hmColors, breaks=seq(0,1,(1/120)), trace="none", colsep=c(60,120,180), sepcolor=c("white","pink","green"))      

Further, I tried to create a character vector specfiying the desired colors in the desired order and to assign this vector to sepcolor:

heatmap.2 (as.matrix(order_by27_T[rowsToDraw,]), Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE, dendrogram="none", col=hmColors, breaks=seq(0,1,(1/120)), trace="none", colsep=c(60,120,180), sepcolor=sepColour)      

In both cases, all there seprators defined were green (the last element of the vector).
Is what I'm trying to do possible at all?

thanks in advance

The colsep argument takes a vector of numbers indicating whether the columns should be separated by a space of colour. From the documentation:

(optional) vector of integers indicating which columns or rows should be separated from the preceding columns or rows by a narrow space of color sepcolor

In your example, this would be something like:

heatmap.2(as.matrix(order_by27_T[rowsToDraw,]), colsep=1:5,
     sepcolor=c("red", "blue"), ....)

This would separate columns 1 to 5 with the colours red and blue

Just in case you only want to specify a custom palette (not what you asked for), here is some code:

full = matrix(runif(100, -5, 5), ncol= 10)
my_p = colorRampPalette(c("white","pink","green"))
breaks = c(seq(min(full), 0, length.out=128),
           seq(0, max(full), length.out=128))
heatmap.2(full, dendrogram="row", Colv=FALSE,
          col=my_p, key=TRUE, 
          breaks=breaks, symkey=FALSE, density.info="none",
          trace="none", cexRow=0.5, cexCol=0.75)

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