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Cannot connect using ftp_connect()

I'm developing a web page using Microsoft WebMatrix and everything was going smoothly and working. The problem I have is related to ftp_connect() in php. I made several tests using this same program in my computer, but when I tried through the web page to make a file transfer, the ftp_connet() function did not work. I've all ready searched and can't find a solution to this error, because I can connect with a ftp client, and have access through a webpage and can connect directly from my computer, but the not from the web.

Here is the relevant code:

  $conn_id = ftp_connect(FTPSERVER);
           $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, FTPUSER, FTPPASS);

       if(ftp_put($conn_id,$path_file_ftp_gr,$filegr_path,FTP_BINARY)) {
          if (ftp_put($conn_id,$path_file_ftp_pq,$filepq_path,FTP_BINARY)){
           $query_result = mysql_query($query_add);
           echo 'Sucesso<br>';
       else {
           echo 'falhou<br>';

You're not by chance passing an integer to the FTP port parameter are you? For me this doesn't work:

$ftp = ftp_connect('myserver.com',51);

But this does:

$ftp = ftp_connect('myserver.com','51');

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