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jQuery 1.8.1 data() error retrieving HTML5 data-attribute

I'm trying to extract the FIRST data attribute from the following mark-up:

<button class="buttonMiddle" data-vid="1">
    <a href="#">who helped them</a>

<button class="buttonMiddle" data-vid="2">
    <a href="#">who helped them</a>

the JS I've conjured is:

var button1 = $('.buttonMiddle').get(0).data('vid');


Chrome's console gives me this:

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'data'

I've covered the basic troubleshooting --> jQuery is loaded before this js file, they are both loaded just before the closing body tag (so no need for $(function() {// find data-attribute}); .


var button1 = $('.buttonMiddle').eq(0).data('vid');

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