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Drupal/Wordpress Fatal error: Cannot redeclare functions - Errors keep showing

I have a drupal site and inside i have a wordpress blog like that drupal_site/wordpress_blog. When i did the implantation all seemed to work fine but now i am getting the following error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare timer_start() (previously declared in (path_of_mysite)/includes/bootstrap.inc:456) in (path_of_mysite)/blog/wp-includes/load.php on line 197

I have renamed the timer_start() but then i got another same error for another function.

So the problem is that drupal's functions "overrides" wp functions and renaming every wp core function not working.

Also i have tried at least the errors to not shown at my page, i have disable them from my drupal dashboard, i have tried via .htaccess,via index.php,also via phpmyadmin but this error keeps showing.

Update:I found the solution for the errors to not be shown,i just have added


to wp-config.php.So at least there is something.

Any clue for the solution?

Drupal and Wordpress are trying to declare the same function names. To solve this type of problems PHP had introduced namespaces in PHP 5.3, more info: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.php , but saddly Drupal and Wordpress did not use namespaces.

My recomendation to avoid this problem is to install Drupal and Wordpress in different subdomains, so if your domain is drupal_site.com , use blog.drupal_site.com for Wordpress installation.

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