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Nginx redirect from one domain to another?

I'm on the process of migrating the same app but to a different domain.

For the old domain, I've the routes as:


I want it to be redirected to another domain omitting the app part as:


I tried with:

server {
  location /app {
    rewrite ^$scheme://app.sparkon.com/app(/.*)$ $1 last;

I doesn't work. How to achieve this?

I had this issue about a year ago and spent a long time looking for solutions. I found and use this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com app.example.com;
    rewrite ^/app(.*)$ http://app.newexample.com$1 permanent;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name app.newexample.com;
    # config for primary domain here

From this link . Credit to them.

Don't put scheme in the rewrite pattern:

server {
    server_name app.example.com;
    location /app/ {
        rewrite ^/app/(.*)$ http://app.newexample.com/$1;


I prefer this method as it doesn't need to use rewrite, one of the things that i read are good to avoid too much, cause it needs more processing by the nginx engine.

  location ~ /app/(.*) {
    return 301 $scheme://app.sparkon.com/$1;  

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