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Constraing minimum height and width of outer div to the size of inner div

I have a div within a div.

The outer div is draggable(jQuery) and the inner div is resizable(jQuery).

The inner div has a span within it which is filled with text.

How can I make the outer div height and width never be any smaller than the height and width of its contents?

Currently I can resize the outer div to be smaller and this is a problem when the outer div has a border as the text overflows out of the outer div.

thanks for your help in advance

Try this, WithIn the resize event, 1) Get the width of the inner div. And, 2) Apply min-width of outer div as (innerdiv + 4) ..

so, whenever you resize, resize event will trigger, so, you need to get innerdiv width and set its outerdiv "min-width" slightly higher than innerdiv..

Hope this helps..

.bind('resize', function(){
      var outer_width = parseInt($('.innerdiv').width() + 4);


Apply some max-height and max-width to the inner div.

If your outer div has 300px height and 300px width:

inner div css


If you're actually using the jQuery UI Resizable plugin you can use its own option parameters :

    minHeight: function() {
    ,minWidth: function() {

using a bit from each of your answers, this is how I solved it.

var spanminwidth=$('#span'+i).width();

var spanminheight=$('#span'+i).height();

thanks for all the help

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