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Set Google Plus sign in button type

I have a Google+ sign in button on my site and I can't figure out how to set its style to one of the predefined styles on the Google+ branding guide page. https://developers.google.com/+/branding-guidelines

On the guideline page, the buttons are listed in a table featuring a column 'style' which has differing string values for respective buttons, ie 'Long', 'Short', etc

The button on my page is rendered in a span defined as

    data-scope="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email">

I don't wish to make a purely custom button. Any idea where can I assign the pre-defined style?

You can set the standard style with a combination of the following attributes:

data-height="standard"  (one of short, standard or tall)
data-width="standard"   (one of iconOnly, standard or wide)
data-theme="dark"       (one of light or dark)

These attributes are documented here:


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