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Compiling MuPDF

I'm trying to compiling the latest release (cloned git repo today) of MuPDF library.

  1. Check out a copy of the mupdf source from git:

    git clone git://git.ghostscript.com/mupdf.git

  2. Check out the third party library submodules:

    git submodule update --init

  3. Populate the generated directory with the necessary files:

    make generate

But, when I enter the last command, I got these errors:

LINK build/debug/cmapdump
build/debug/cmapdump.o: In function `fz_free_context':
/home/luca/Java/Extra/libraries/mupdf/scripts/../fitz/base_context.c:55: undefined     reference to `fz_drop_colorspace_context'
build/debug/cmapdump.o: In function `fz_new_context':
/home/luca/Java/Extra/libraries/mupdf/scripts/../fitz/base_context.c:142: undefined reference to `fz_new_colorspace_context'
build/debug/cmapdump.o: In function `fz_clone_context_internal':
/home/luca/Java/Extra/libraries/mupdf/scripts/../fitz/base_context.c:186: undefined    reference to `fz_keep_colorspace_context'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [build/debug/cmapdump] Error 1

Seems that the linker cannot resolve the required objects...so I cannot go on.

I wonder if someone else tried to compile (this release) and had the same problem.


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