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compare contents of two excel worksheets

I have two worksheets in the same workbook. The first worksheet contains last periods score matrix, the second worksheet contains this periods score matrix.

I am struggling to find a away to highlight those cells in this periods worksheet that are different from last periods worksheet.

I have been able to go as far as identifying the changed cells. I know that works from use of 'MsgBoxes', however I cannot find a way to highlight the identified cells. Its probably because I have chosen to go about this the wrong way entirely. Can someone please give me a guide as to how I should go about this?

The code I have that works (according to MsgBox's anyway) is below. I would very much appreciate any guidance whatsoever. Thanks,

    Option Explicit
Sub B_HighlightDifferences()
'Workbooks("Scoring Matrix NEW").Activate
    Dim varScoring As Variant
    Dim varScoring_OLD As Variant
    Dim strRangeToCheck As String
    Dim irow As Long
    Dim icol As Long
    Dim color As CellFormat
    strRangeToCheck = "bl9:bo15"  'smallrange for testing purposes only
    varScoring = Worksheets("Scoring").Range(strRangeToCheck)
    varScoring_OLD = Worksheets("Scoring_OLD").Range(strRangeToCheck)
    For irow = LBound(varScoring, 1) To UBound(varScoring, 1)
        For icol = LBound(varScoring, 2) To UBound(varScoring, 2)
            If varScoring(irow, icol) = varScoring_OLD(irow, icol) Then
                ' Cells are identical. ' Do nothing.
                MsgBox "This has not changed"
                ' Cells are different. 
        ' Need code here to highlight each cell that is different
                 MsgBox "This has changed"
End If
            End If
        Next icol
    Next irow
End Sub

You did most of the hard work. I would change the following. Add:

dim newCell as Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

... then inside your for loop:

Set newCell = varScoring.Cells(irow, icol)

Then you should be able to apply any formatting you want to newCell (which is a Range object) when you find it's different.

With Selection.Interior
    .Color = 49407
    ' any formatting you want.
End With

At the end of your routine, turn screen updating on again:

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Let me know if this makes sense.

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