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How to put a p:commandButton inside a p:panel footer

I want to put a primefaces commandButton inside a panel footer but it seems that primefaces panel footers take only text, i want to do something like that :

            <p:panel id="JunglePanel" header="Jungle" footer="<p:commandButton action="#{JungleBean.navigate}"
                            ajax="false" value="Navigate"">

but it didn't work, does anyone know how to achieve that ?

If you want footer have the same css as header, you can apply header's css to footer, i have tested and it work:

            <p:panel id="JunglePanel" header="Jungle">
                <f:facet name="footer" >
                    <div class="ui-panel-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all">
                        <p:commandButton value="xxx" />
                Content here

You can't put tags inside EL, do it like this :

<p:panel id="JunglePanel" header="Jungle">
    <f:facet name="footer">
        <p:commandButton action="#{JungleBean.navigate}" ajax="false" value="Navigate" />


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