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In jQuery, how do you select current table TR but not any nested table TR?

So I tried this:

input.find(" tr").each(function(){ ... });

I also tried this:

input.find(" > tr").each(function(){ ... });

Both of these does not work. The first one will select any TR even if it's under a nested table. The second one will not work if the table have tbody or anything like that. Any help?

Input is defined as:

var input = $(".mySelectionScope");

The DOM would look like this:

    <div class='mySelectionScope'>
        <div> // Optional
                    <tr>  // Select this one
                            <tr>  // Don't select this one


input.find("tr").not("tr tr")


input.find("tr").filter(function(){return !$(this).closest('tr').length}).each(...);

What about calling first() on the list of trs?


use jQuery children() instead of find()

From the docs:

The .children() method differs from .find() in that .children() only travels a single level down the DOM tree while .find() can traverse down multiple levels to select descendant elements (grandchildren, etc.) as well.

The optional div also creates some trickiness...

var input = $('.mySelectionScope').children('div').length == 0 ?
        $('.mySelectionScope') : 
        $('.mySelectionScope > div'),
    rows = input.children('table').children('tbody').length == 0 ?
        input.children('table').children('tr') :

if tbody is always inserted in all browsers, the second if statement is not necessary, and you can instead use

    rows = input.children('table').children('tbody').children('tr');

Pretty ugly, but you can't do this with selectors alone.



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