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The entity or complex type ' ' not be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

I hope someone can help me because when i edit my code . an exception shows


public IEnumerable<APPLICANT> GetApplicant()
    IEnumerable<APPLICANT> applicantdata = Cache.Get("applicants") as IEnumerable<APPLICANT>;

    if (applicantdata == null)
        var data = from app in context.APPLICANTs
                   join a in context.Profiles
                   on app.Profile_id equals a.PROFILE_ID into output
                   from j in output.DefaultIfEmpty()
                   select new { 
                       Id = app.APPLICANT_ID, 
                       LastName = 
                           (j == null ? app.APPLICANT_LastName : j.Applicant_LASTNAME) 

        var applicant = data
            .Where(v => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.LastName))

        applicantdata = (from a in applicant
                         select new APPLICANT() { 
                             APPLICANT_ID = a.Id, 
                             APPLICANT_LastName = a.LastName

        if (applicantdata.Any())
            Cache.Set("applicants", applicantdata, 30);

    return applicantdata;    

This is the exception:

NotSupportedException was unhandle by user code. The entity or complex type ' ' not be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query. LINQ ASP.NET

At this line:

if (applicantdata.Any())

In Linq-to-Entities you can only project to any existing mapped entity type but you can project to an anonymous type

applicantdata = (from a in applicant
                     select new APPLICANT() { 
                         APPLICANT_ID = a.Id, 
                         APPLICANT_LastName = a.LastName

In the above code you are trying to project to 'APPLICANT' type so it will not allow you to do so. you can try to do it using anonymous type as :

applicantdata = (from a in applicant
                     select new { 
                         APPLICANT_ID = a.Id, 
                         APPLICANT_LastName = a.LastName

Hope this will help!

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