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How to gzip cached files using ob_

I'm looking for a way to gzip a cached copy of my html and also to server the cached version to users, is this possible? I have this so far...

// at the head

$filename   = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$cache_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/pagecache/' . $filename . '.htm';
$cache_time = 86400; // 24 hours

if (file_exists($cache_file) &&
time() - $cache_time < filemtime($cache_file)) {

//at the footer

$cached = fopen($cache_file, 'w'); 
fwrite($cached, ob_get_contents());

Any guidance will be much appreciated.

You don't need to compress each files enable Output Compression in php.ini and its done automatically

zlib.output_compression = On

Or start output buffer with


Now if the Purpose of your cache is because of speed and storage space then don't use filesystem just use Memcached .. it support in built compression

$memcache = new Memcache();
$memcache->add($filename, ob_get_contents(), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED);


Here is a simple script to manage both file cache and memcache ... you can easly extend it to other types of storage such as mongoDB or redis

Using File System

$storage = new Fcache();
$storage->setDir(__DIR__ . "/cache"); // cache directory

Using Memcache

$storage = new Mcache();
$storage->addserver(""); // Add Server

Your Script

$cache = new SimpleCache($storage);
$cache->setTime(5); // 5 sec for demo

if ($data = $cache->get()) {
    echo "Cached Copy <br />\n";
    echo $data;
} else {
    while(@$i ++ < 10) {
        echo mt_rand();

As you can see $storage storage can be either file or memcache here is the class used


class SimpleCache {
    private $storage;

    function __construct(CacheStorage $storage) {
        $this->storage = $storage;

    public function setTime($time) {

    function get() {
        $name = sha1($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . ".cache";
        return $this->storage->read($name);

    function set($content) {
        $name = sha1($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . ".cache";
        $this->storage->write($name, $content);


interface CacheStorage {
    public function setTime($time);
    public function read($file);
    public function write($file, $data);

// Using Memcache
class Mcache extends Memcache implements CacheStorage {
    private $time = 86400;

    public function setTime($time) {
        $this->time = $time;

    public function read($name) {
        return $this->get($name);

    public function write($name, $data) {
        return $this->add($name, $data, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $this->time);

// Using Files System
class Fcache implements CacheStorage {
    private $dir;
    private $time = 86400;

    public function __construct($dir = "cache") {

    public function setDir($dir) {
        $this->dir = $dir;
        if (! is_dir($this->dir) and ! mkdir($this->dir))
            throw new Exception("Invalid Directory");
        $this->dir = $dir;

    public function setTime($time) {
        $this->time = $time;

    public function read($name) {
        $name = $this->dir . "/" . $name;

        if (! is_file($name))
            return false;

        if (time() - filemtime($name) > $this->time)
            return false;

        $zd = gzopen($name, "r");
        $zr = "";
        while(! feof($zd)) {
            $zr .= gzread($zd, 1024);
        return $zr;

    public function write($name, $data) {
        $name = $this->dir . "/" . $name;

        $gz = gzopen($name, "w9");
        gzwrite($gz, $data);
        return true;

this class minify and gz html output


class Cleaner{
  static function Clean($html){
         $m[2]=preg_replace("~//(.*?)\n~si"," ", " ".$m[2]." ");
         return "<script ".$m[1].">".$m[2]."</script>";
      }, $html);
      $search = array(
        "/ +/" => " ",
        "/<!–\{(.*?)\}–>|<!–(.*?)–>|[\t\r\n]|<!–|–>|\/\/ <!–|\/\/ –>|<!\[CDATA\[|\/\/ \]\]>|\]\]>|\/\/\]\]>|\/\/<!\[CDATA\[/" => "");
  //$html = preg_replace(array_keys($search), array_values($search), $html);   
  $search = array(
            "/\/\*(.*?)\*\/|[\t\r\n]/s" => "",
            "/ +\{ +|\{ +| +\{/" => "{",
            "/ +\} +|\} +| +\}/" => "}",
            "/ +: +|: +| +:/" => ":",
            "/ +; +|; +| +;/" => ";",
            "/ +, +|, +| +,/" => ","
       $html = preg_replace(array_keys($search), array_values($search), $html);
       $html = preg_replace('!<(?:code|pre).*>[^<]+</(?:code|pre)>!', '#pre#', $html);
       $html = preg_replace('#<!–[^\[].+–>#', '', $html);
       $html = preg_replace('/[\r\n\t]+/', ' ', $html);
       $html = preg_replace('/>[\s]+</', '><', $html);
       $html = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $html);
       if (!empty($pre[0])) {
         foreach ($pre[0] as $tag) {
             $html = preg_replace('!#pre#!', $tag, $html,1);
  static function Cleaning($html) {

         //put cache  checker here

     $html=self::Clean($html);//if you didn't want to minify commented this line
     if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')){
          $html= "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".
          substr(gzcompress($html, 9), 0, - 4). // substr -4 isn't needed 
          pack('V', crc32($html)).   // crc32 and 
          pack('V', strlen($html));               // size are ignored by all the browsers i have tested 
          header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
          header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($html));

        //you can save your cache 


sample of use in your php file

 <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/cleaner.php"); 
 @ob_start(function($m){return Cleaner::Cleaning($m);});?>
 //begin of php file

//end of php file
while (@ob_end_flush());?>

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