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Excel VBA - Range.Clear does not clear cell

I have the following function in my VBA which tries to clear the cell A1 in Excel Sheet1, but it does not clear the contents and also returns False as output:

Function test()
    Application.Volatile (False)    
    test = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A1").Clear
End Function

Also please not the Locked property is True at this time and even if I make it False, the next line if I print it, the Locked property is True.

Any suggestions?


  1. Function in VBA is generally a variable having a data type. In your example, data type is missing, meaning that the data type is set to Variable .
  2. Apparently, your data type happens to be boolean, so a function is set to False .
  3. It is a bad style to use functions for changing cell contents. However, your code works without problems as a Sub:

     Sub test() Application.Volatile (False) Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A1").Clear End Sub 

I am not sure exactly but as far as i know you cannot format excel sheet in Function instead we can do it using Subroutine.

Sub test()
End Sub

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