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Modify web.config with powershell

I need to try to update a web.config file to change the IP address only of the web.config I have included the section of code Im looking at for powershell to script the change.

    <add name="connectionString" connectionString="provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=;database=sample;Trusted_Connection=Yes" providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />
    <add name="sqlConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=sample;Trusted_Connection=Yes" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

I would like a very simple solution to this just update the ServerIP address.

Anyone know an easy way to do this with PowerShell.

I'd to the following

$cfg = [xml](gc web.config)
# Replace all references of the IP in all connection string
   $_.connectionString = $_.connectionString -replace "", "";

If you are just looking to replace a specfic connection string, I'd fetch it like this:

$con= $cfg.configuration.connectionStrings.add|?{$_.name -eq "SqlDataCon"};
# Replace the content
$con.connectionString = $con.connectionString -replace "", ""

You can try :

$xml = [xml](Get-Content c:\temp\web.config)
$conString = $xml.connectionStrings.add[0].connectionString
$conString2 = $conString -replace '',''
$xml.connectionStrings.add[0].connectionString = $conString2
$conString = $xml.connectionStrings.add[1].connectionString
$conString2 = $conString -replace '',''
$xml.connectionStrings.add[1].connectionString = $conString2

This do the job for the two connection strings. If you don't want to hard code the old IP address you can use :

$conString -replace 'Server=.*;','Server=;'

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