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Android - SQLite - no such column error (greenDAO)

I created my table structure with greenDAO and when updating the following table, I'm getting the follwing error:

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: BODY_LOG_ENTRY._id: ,
 while compiling: UPDATE BODY_LOG_ENTRY SET 
  • I already checked if all columns exist, and they do!
  • I checked the names of the columns and they match
  • I checked if a column name matches one keyword, but I did not find one ( http://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html )

does anybody have any idea what the problem could be?

Following is the current create table query:

public static void createTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifNotExists) {
    String constraint = ifNotExists? "IF NOT EXISTS ": "";
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + constraint + "'BODY_LOG_ENTRY' (" + //
            " '_id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + // 0: id
            " 'FK_DAY' INTEGER NOT NULL ," + // 1: fkDay
            " 'DAY_ORDER' INTEGER NOT NULL ," + // 2: dayOrder
            " 'DESCRIPTION' TEXT NOT NULL ," + // 3: description
            " 'BODY_WEIGHT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 4: bodyWeight
            " 'BODY_SIZE' INTEGER NOT NULL ," + // 5: bodySize
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA' INTEGER NOT NULL ," + // 6: bodyFatFormula
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA1' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 7: bodyFatFormulaData1
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA2' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 8: bodyFatFormulaData2
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA3' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 9: bodyFatFormulaData3
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA4' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 10: bodyFatFormulaData4
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA5' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 11: bodyFatFormulaData5
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA6' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 12: bodyFatFormulaData6
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA7' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 13: bodyFatFormulaData7
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA8' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 14: bodyFatFormulaData8
            " 'BODY_FAT_FORMULA_DATA9' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 15: bodyFatFormulaData9
            " 'BODY_FAT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 16: bodyFat
            " 'NECK' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 17: neck
            " 'SHOULDER' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 18: shoulder
            " 'CHEST' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 19: chest
            " 'UNDERCHEST' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 20: underchest
            " 'WAIST' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 21: waist
            " 'ARM_LEFT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 22: armLeft
            " 'ARM_RIGHT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 23: armRight
            " 'FOREARM_LEFT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 24: forearmLeft
            " 'FOREARM_RIGHT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 25: forearmRight
            " 'BUTT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 26: butt
            " 'THIGHES_LEFT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 27: thighesLeft
            " 'THIGHES_RIGHT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 28: thighesRight
            " 'CALVES_LEFT' REAL NOT NULL ," + // 29: calvesLeft
            " 'CALVES_RIGHT' REAL NOT NULL );"); // 30: calvesRight
    // Add Indexes
            " (FK_DAY);");
            " (DAY_ORDER);");

PS: all I can say is, that the table prefix should not be part of the update query, because without them, the query works... but the weird thing is, that all my other (>20) tables work... just this one does not

When you update any fields, this updates don't refresh in the actual DB. A solution that worked for me, is delete all tables in the DB and then create all tables again. In my case, my database was empty.

See the next link: How to clean/delete greenDao database

Other option is do ALTER TABLE on existing database.

I just encountered the same problem,you can try this : check the table which is a new table or a old table ,because we always create table with "if not exists". PS: 1.I am from China,my English is poor , Pray you can understand my words. 2.the answer is for someone who will meet the same question after me.

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