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Rails Outdated Gems

Ok so I was adding some tests to a app using the shoulda gem and was getting an error

undefined method `allow_value'

Looking at the gem I could see this allow_value method was in a later date of the gem so time to update.

I ran a global bundle update and so far so good. But running the test again same error.

So I bundle outdated and got the following:

Outdated gems included in the bundle:
  * actionmailer (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * actionpack (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * activemodel (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * activerecord (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * activeresource (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * activesupport (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * arel (4.0.0 > 3.0.2)
  * bourne (1.4.0 > 1.1.2)
  * builder (3.2.2 > 3.0.4)
  * coffee-rails (4.0.0 > 3.2.2)
  * faye-websocket (0.6.1 > 0.4.7)
  * json (1.8.0 > 1.7.7)
  * mail (2.5.4 > 2.4.4)
  * mocha (0.14.0 > 0.10.5)
  * rack (1.5.2 > 1.4.5)
  * rails (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * railties (3.2.13 > 3.2.12)
  * rdoc (4.0.1 > 3.12.2)
  * shoulda-matchers (2.1.0 > 1.4.2)
  * sprockets (2.10.0 > 2.2.2)
  * tzinfo (1.0.0 > 0.3.37)

I tried again with bundle update shoulda-matchers but same issue.

How do I update the gem to the latest version? and to that fact how come actionmailer etc is not updated when I run bundle update.

Hope you can advise.

You are still on 3.2.12.
So bundle update doesn't update your Rails version.

Make sure your Gemfile has

gem 'rail', '3.2.13'

and run bundle update again.

Some gems will still be outdated, because they are already stable for Rails 4 (ie coffee-rails ). You can ignore these 'outdates'

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