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Matlab size of image (x,y)

为什么当我在Matlab中对图像使用大小函数时,结果是ans = 600800,但是我的实际图像大小=(800,600)?

This is because of difference in conventions. When we say an image is 800x600 we generally mean it 800 columns by 600 rows. However when Matlab reports the size of a matrix it does it using standard matrix indexing which is row then column. So size(A) = (800, 600) means that the image is 800 rows by 600 columns.

For example, for the following "2x4" image:

>> A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8]

A =

     1     2
     3     4
     5     6
     7     8

>> size(A)
ans =

     4     2

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