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How can I remap autocompletion in vim?

I'm using AutoComplPop with omnifunc.

Rather than Enter auto-completing the selection in the autocomplete popup, I'd like to use Ctrl + Enter (or some other combination) and have Enter behave as usual.

That last point is important: if I want to insert a carriage return and the autocomplete popup has something highlighted, I'll have to hit enter twice.

So: how can I remap the autocompletion key?

I don't think that the AutoComplPop plugin does anything to the Enter key; rather, this is the default behavior when the completion popup is visible. See :h popupmenu-keys :

  The behavior of the <Enter> key depends on the state you are in: first state: Use the text as it is and insert a line break. second state: Insert the currently selected match. third state: Use the text as it is and insert a line break. 

It's just that AutoComplPop by default selects the first match (which the built-in completions don't do).

To answer your question (though I don't fully get what behavior you want):

There's no special mode for the popup menu, you have to use a :help map-expr and check for the popup menu with pumvisible() . For example, to make <Enter> abort completion and insert a line break:

:inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? '<C-e><CR>' : '<CR>'

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