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Screen refresh in Tableview after call to DetailView Controoler

I am excuting the following line to add a Detail Viwe after my Table View is loaded:

if (!self.addView) {
        self.addView = [[AddView alloc] initWithNibName:@"AddView" bundle:nil];
          [self.navigationController pushViewController:self.addView animated:YES];
    NSLog(@"I am done, now what");

Then I am presented with a screen of text boxes... I enter data and I save to a plist... then to return Programatically, i perform the following line:

[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];

My question is how to I refresh the tableview with the new record? I know it is in viewWillAppear method [self.tableview reloadData], but how do I trigger the viewWillAppear, as it is not gettin to that method after return? any help would be appreciated. Regards,

如果要在每次tableView即将出现时都运行reloadData,则可以在viewWillAppear中运行[self.tableview reloadData]。

您可能希望将[self.tableView reloadData]放在viewWillAppear方法中,而不是viewDidLoad方法中。

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