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How can I change the date format in multiple divs using Jquery?

I am pulling an RSS feed onto my site which contains a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy (UK date format) . The dates are wrapped in h3 tags , I would like to replace the original date with 2 divs containing only the date and the month respectively. I've managed to achieve this but the date outputted is the same for every instance.

How can I replace the date in each respective div? I've tried all sorts but I can't quite figure it out. No doubt there is a far simpler way to do it! Any help is greatly appreciated.

The HTML is:

<div class='news'>
<div class='news'>

And the javascript is:

var monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
    "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
]; // Define month names array

$(".news h3").each(function () {
    // Gets date and puts it in variable 'postDate'
    var postDate = $(this).html();
    // Reformats date into UK format after Javascript date object is created
    var d = new Date(postDate.split('/')[2], postDate.split('/')[1] - 1, postDate.split('/')[0]);

    $('.news h3').replaceWith('<div class="blogDate">' + d.getDate() +
        '</div><div class="blogMonth">' + monthNames[d.getMonth()] +
        '</div>'); //Replaces original date with newly created divs


I've created a JSFiddle so you can see the output . The bottom date should read 7 Jun .

You need to replace the content of the current h3 instead of replacing all

$(this).replaceWith('<div id="blogDate">' + d.getDate() + '</div><div id="blogMonth">' + monthNames[d.getMonth()] + '</div>');

Demo: Fiddle

More correct fix

$(".news h3").replaceWith(function(){
    var postDate = $(this).html();
    var parts = postDate.split('/');

    var d = new Date(parts[2], parts[1] - 1, parts[0]);

    return '<div id="blogDate">' + d.getDate() + '</div><div id="blogMonth">' + monthNames[d.getMonth()] + '</div>';

Demo: Fiddle

If you can include a date-time library momentjs then

$(".news h3").replaceWith(function(){
    var text = moment($.trim($(this).text()), "DD/MM/yyyy").format('D MMM');
    return '<div>' + text + '</div>';

Demo: Fiddle

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