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Custom Analyzer in Tire (ElasticSearch)

I am trying to create this custom analyzer and for some reason I am getting the Analyzer [] not found for field [] error... I looked around a lot and tried different implementations and I think I have the right syntax for it... Here it is:

settings :number_of_shards => 5,
         :number_of_replicas => 2,
         :analysis => {
           :analyzer => {
             :ticker_analyzer => { 
               "type"      => 'custom',
               "tokenizer" => 'ticker_pattern',
               "filter"    => [ 'word_delimiter_filter', 'standard' ]
           :filter => {
             :word_delimiter_filter => {
               "type"                => 'word_delimiter',
               "preserve_original"   => true
           :tokenizer => {
             :ticker_pattern => {
               "type"      => 'pattern',
               "pattern"   => '\w+'
         } do
  mapping do
    # ... some more indexes that work fine, with regular analyzers
    indexes :company_ticker,      type: 'string',   boost: 5.0,   analyzer: 'ticker_analyzer',  as: 'index_company_ticker'

So I get the error Analyzer [ticker_analyzer] not found for field [company_ticker] .

Any ideas why?

Also, I've seen some examples where I won't need to pass a block to the settings option. I would just close settings and define mapping afterwards and it would work? (I've seen this at other people posting code snippets...)

Thank you!


Ok, so this is the actual problem that I was having and why this was not working.
It is because I was trying to create an index that would use the mapping from this model (I was not trying to do Model.create_elasticsearch_index) but with something like

index = Tire::Index.new('swap_index')
index.create(:mappings => MyModel.tire.mapping_to_hash)
# and then do some swapping between the old index and the new one, through alias'es

Well, the problem was that I was not passing the settings to my new index. I was only passing it the mappings from the MyModel, but not the settings . So, the right way to do it si this

index.create(:settings => MyMode.tire.settings, :mappings => MyModel.tire.mapping_to_hash)

and this solves the error I was getting.

(My example still does not work in my case because the analyzer might be broken for my case, but I just wanted to help users that might have a similar problem)

Thank you,

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