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How to install ZendFramework and clt from svn on Mac OS X Lion with the xampp running?

I have a Macbook pro with Lion(10.7.4). I am new in this environment. I was trying to install Zend Framework and zend command line Tool in my mac. I already installed XAMPP ...
i follow the structure that i read from a book ....

{ Here are examples of commands you can use to perform these tasks:

 shell> cd ZendFramework-XX
   shell> mv library/* /usr/local/lib/php/
   shell> mv bin/* /usr/local/bin/
   shell> chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zf.sh
   shell> ln -s /usr/local/bin/zf.sh /usr/local/bin/zf


But it does not work for me, I don't know why.

When I run zf - help in a terminal I got a error that tell me the include_path in not define.

How can I fix that or how can I install and run zend framWord correctly.

If you are starting a new project, I recommend using Zend Framework 2 not 1.

Here are 2 useful links from the ZF2 quick start guide that will help:

ZF2 skeleton applicatoin

ZF2 tool

Try that & let us know how you get on...

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