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Coda 2.2 Plugins don't stay installed

I am having a small problem with plugins not staying installed with Coda 2.2 for Mac on OSX 10.6. Every time I close Coda and open it back up and then click on plugins half of them are gone even though the are in the plugins folder for the application. I have to close Coda and uninstall and reinstall the plugin then open it back up. That is only good until I close it then it starts all over again. Is there anything I can do or is there something I am overlooking that is causing this to happen?


I've been working with Panic support and we've discovered there's an issue with certain plugins. Most likely, it's only one that's problematic. For me, it was WVCPs plugin. Removing that from the plugin folder allows all other plugins to work fine.

I found it helpful looking at the Console app for messages from Coda and one by one dropped the plugins back into the plugins folder until I found the one that caused an error about incompatible architecture.

You can ignore the error about two plugins implementing the same class, that seems to be a mutual exclusion sort of warning but still allows the other plugins to work.

One other plugin had a different error but again, appears to work fine so probably it was just a warning.

This is probably your best solution until Panic push out an update, which I am assured is on the way.

Hope that helps!

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