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Can't access child MovieClips in ADDED_TO_STAGE event handler

problem solved. please see comments. I can't answer my own question due to reputation points.

I'm trying to develop a simple flash game. I have a symbol and an AS3 class linked to this symbol called Splash (which represents intro screen of Game) and a StartButton symbol. StartButton symbol placed in Splash symbol using Flash IDE given instance name of 'button_start'.

In Splash.as I'm trying to access StartButton's ADDED_TO_STAGE event handler but i got null pointer exception. Here is code:

public function Splash() {
    trace("splash const");
    addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, ats);

public function ats(e:Event) {
    trace("splash ats");
    var i:int = 0;
    for (i=0;i<numChildren;i++) {
        if (getChildAt(i).name.search("button")) {
            buton = getChildAt(i) as MovieClip;
            buton.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, butonats);

function butonats(e:Event) {
    trace("buton ats");         


splash const
splash ats
TypeError: Error #1009: Boş nesne başvuru özelliğine veya yöntemine erişilemiyor.
    at Splash/ats()

Doesn't ADDED_TO_STAGE run's when all children ready ? Where is wrong couldn't figure it out.

*button_start* is not an instance of MovieClip, it is a Shape. So making this changes to code solved the problem.

var buton:Shape; 
public function Splash() {
   trace("splash const");
   addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, ats);

public function ats(e:Event) {
   trace("splash ats");
   var i:int = 0;
   for (i=0;i<numChildren;i++) {
       if (getChildAt(i).name.search("button")) {
           buton = getChildAt(i) as MovieClip;
           buton.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, butonats);

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