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How do I pass more than one parameter into a link_to call where I specify controller and action?

I am using a link_to to initiate a controller method that requires two parameters in order to perform the steps I need it to take. I can't seem to get the syntax right, and I'm wondering if it is because you can't pass more than one parameter in using this particular syntax. Here is what I have so far:

<%= link_to 'Select',
            {controller: 'groups',
             action: 'associate_subgroup_with_org',
             organization_id: organization.id,
             subgroup_id: @activity.group.id},
            class: 'button' %>

def associate_subgroup_with_org
    @organization = Group.find(params[:organization_id])
    @subgroup = Group.find(params[:subgroup_id])
    @subgroup.parent_group_id = @organization.id

    respond_to do |format|

The link is not working and I never enter my controller action associate_subgroup_with_org . Can someone help me get the syntax right?

You can make a route like this:

get '/groups/associate_subgroup_with_org' => 'groups#associate_subgroup_with_org', :as => :associate_subgroup

And you can send any no. of parameters with link_to:

<%= link_to 'Select',
            {controller: 'groups',
             action: 'associate_subgroup_with_org',
             organization_id: organization.id,
             subgroup_id: @activity.group.id},
            class: 'button' %>


<%= link_to 'Select',associate_subgroup_path(organization_id: organization.id, subgroup_id: @activity.group.id),class: 'button' %>

You need to specify it in your routes. Something like this:

get "/groups/:id/subgroup/:state" => "groups#subgroup", :as => :subgroup

And write the link like:

subgroup_path(@organization, @subgroup)

With whatever symbols you're using.

Using controller and actions in link_to/form_url is not recommended. I guess you have a groups resources, I mean in routes.rb something like resources :groups . if so then add a collection method there like:

resources :groups do
  post :associate_subgroup_with_org

Now you can use associate_subgroup_with_org_groups_path(p1: v1, p2: v2, .....)

Or you can define one named route as:

post 'groups/associate_subgroup_with_org', as: :associate_subgroup_with_org

Now you can use associate_subgroup_with_org_path(p1: v1, p2: v2, .....)

Hope its clear

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