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Clang static analyzer output in xml format

Is it possible to get output in XML format from Clang scan-build analyzer? Currently following command generates output in html format to view in webbrowser.

scan-build xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator

CppCheck on windows generate output in XML format. I need to parse result into same format as CppCheck. But I can't use cppCheck on MACOS. What I am trying to achieve is feed results into Sonar C++ Plugin so that I can create dashboard(continous integration) report of ObjectiveC project. Sonar C++ plugin uses CppCheck to static analyze the code.

Any input will greatly appreciated.

Running scan-build --help shows:

-plist         - By default the output of scan-build is a set of HTML files.
                 This option outputs the results as a set of .plist files.

By default clang static analyzer outputs in xml format. scan-build want clang static analyzer to output in html and parses the html outputs to generate a summary of all the errors found by the static-anlayzer during the build process.

If you see the scan-build script, there is a PostProcess function when the output format is html . scan-build does not postprocess the plist files as of now. If you are familiar with XML you should be able to parse the XML ( .plist ) files and do a post processing to generate a summary.

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